Are You on the Right Bus?

Right Bus Graphic

Now May be the Time to Reinvent Yourself 

Well, from my understanding people get better
When they start to understand that they are valuable

Mos Def

Around the world, people are reeling from the shock of Covid-19 and its immense effects on health, lifestyles, and community. In light of the pandemic, many individuals find themselves wondering if they “are on the right bus?” And if so, if they “are in the right seat?”

Well? … Are you? Are you on the right bus? If you are, are you in the right seat?   

The current state of the world should lead all of us to a number of questions, some of which you may already be asking yourself. Do I stay in place? Do I hang our my own “shingle” and start consulting? Do I allow myself to be wooed into the private sector? Is now the time to become an entrepreneur? Do I seek out the stability of the public sector? If these questions are on your mind, now may be the perfect time to self-assess.

Right now, we have the time to think, to learn, and to train. Think about it, we have been caterpillars, and this pandemic has forced us to form a chrysalis. Now, we have the power to determine what kind of butterfly will emerge post pandemic. Though we are still in the midst of the battle, we can already see on the horizon the driving forces – job erosion, job creation, and re-skilling – emerging, and as a result, now may be the time to reinvent ourselves.

In life, there are times when we need to reinvent ourselves. Think about your life, you may have reinvented yourself following the last financial crisis. Your reinvention may have common after the loss of a loved one or a precious relationship. It may have occurred following a job loss or moving to a new community. The corona virus pandemic has already been life-changing for many, and as it rages on, will continue to change lives.

Whenever we face difficult circumstances and major shifts, we need to self-assess and determine how the situation can strengthen us and allow us to reach our full potential. It may take a full measure of courage or a leap of faith, but reinventing yourself can help you achieve your best life. Here’s how to begin your self-assessment and potential reinvention to get you on the right bus and in the driver’s seat of your life!


To begin your self-assessment, consider your self-image. How do you see yourself? And where do you see yourself? What is your goal? Your self-examination should include a close look at your habits, roles, and views, as well as your comfort zone. As you analyze yourself, assess those areas you’d like to change as you move forward to reinvent yourself. Once you have completed your self-assessment, you can take the first step forward.

Know Your Strengths

During your self-assessment, you explored areas which needed change, so now is the time to uncover your strengths. Even if you feel your strengths are limited, you still have some and you need to know what they are. If you can’t identify your strengths, call on your friends, as well as your colleagues to help you ascertain them. Each of us has areas in which we are quite capable and strong, and those strengths will help you as you strive to reinvent yourself.

A Forward-Thinking Plan

As previously mentioned, right now we have the time to think, to learn, and to train. This means, during this time of stay-at-home orders and self-quarantines, we have the time to explore new opportunities, to do research into unexplored interests, and even experiment in new areas. When considering a potential career change or lifestyle change, these steps are an important part of planning for the future – post pandemic. Take the time to assess your status – from financial to psychological, and everything in between. Doing so will help you make a sound forward-thinking plan that is both reasonable and realistic. This doesn’t mean your plans should lack ambition, but they should be genuine and authentic.  

Upskill Yourself

While the term upskill is often used in the employer/employee space when employers teach employees additional skills and expand company capabilities, now is the perfect time to upskill yourself. It could be as simple as working on your social skills or building on your unique skill set. Upskilling might mean you finally begin working on your MBA or take coding classes to learn basic programming skills. It could be learning a new language with the help of Duolingo or Babble, or maybe it means taking a management course. Wherever your goals and interest lie, lean in and upskill yourself.   

Uncover Your Courage and Resilience

Courage can overcome self-doubt. Difficulties, like those we are currently facing amid the pandemic, can bring about fear, anxiety, and even self-doubt. Learning to manage those emotions takes courage, which allows you to overcome and move forward.  And that is where resilience enters the picture. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. Resilience is how you get up, refocus, learn amid the challenges, and move forward. Courage and resilience go hand in hand as you reinvent yourself, face obstacles, and step into your future.

Rely on Your Support System

Human beings are social creatures. As such, as much as we rely on ourselves, we also must learn to rely on our support group. You have one, be it large or small, those people you can count on to lift you up in times of trouble, give you guidance as you make decisions, and even correct you when you make a misstep. You and your support group, together, balance your independence and dependence, so that you can successfully reinvent yourself.

Are You on the Right Bus?

Only you can answer that question, but if you find you need to reinvent yourself due to job erosion, new job creation, or the need for re-skilling, now may be the perfect time. You’ll need to make the effort, embrace change, visualize the possibilities, and transform yourself for the future.  

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