In a Year, You May See Self-Driving Cars on California Streets

Autonomous Car

Originally published @ by Karla Lant September 28, 2017

Self-Drivers Coming Soon

Sacramento city officials are currently working with self-driving technology companies to hopefully make the city a testing ground for the tech within the next year. “Sacramento is perfect for testing autonomous cars because it’s shaped in a grid,” Chief Innovation Officer Louis Stewart told KCRA. “So I would say within the next year, you’ll see some cars in and around Sacramento. Whether it be driving around midtown or toward Sac State, or somewhere in and around the city.”

Since 2014, self-driving cars have been permitted by the DMV to test in California, but with a person behind the wheel as a precaution. 42 companies have so far attained testing permits for autonomous vehicles and safety has remained among the biggest concerns surrounding the technology.

“This technology provides the hope that we can create a much safer transportation network,” Mayor Darrell Steinberg told KCRA. “What we want to do in Sacramento is both test the technology, but match the technology with our proximity to the state Capitol. And make sure we are helping to develop the regulatory framework to allow this industry to take off.”

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