Sacramento Starts to Map Its Autonomous Future

Sacramento AV Routes

The city-created maps of key routes will help advance local efforts of robotics and other technology companies

Originally Published on January 8, 2019 by SmartCitiesWorld News Team on

The city of Sacramento will partner with Deepen AI and Foresight AI to speed the development and safe deployment of autonomous vehicle (AV) technology for the benefit of the city.

The project will use Deepen AI’s 2D and 3D annotation technology, and Foresight AI’s proprietary, dynamic HD map building solution. The three-month project is slated to begin in February this year, and will focus on building high-definition, 3D maps for three demonstration routes within the city.

Becoming an autonomous-ready city

Recognizing that fusing 2D, 3D, and HD data together into detailed and accurately annotated maps is a critical step to enabling safe and reliable autonomous vehicle systems, the city of Sacramento, through its Office of Innovation & Economic Development, is partnering with Deepen AI and Foresight AI to create seed maps that the city can share with AV manufacturers.

City-created maps of these key routes will help advance the local efforts of other individual technology and robotics companies and will speed the safe and reliable deployment of AV systems within the city.

“Sacramento is committed to bringing our residents more shared, clean ways to get around,” said Mayor Darrell Steinberg. “This partnership builds on our momentum toward becoming a center of innovation in new transportation technologies.”

AV systems rely on precise, accurately labelled map data about the routes they run on as a foundation for safe operation. Such detailed reference maps provide the crucial foundation upon which additional real-time live elements (for example, pedestrians, other vehicles and weather conditions) are perceived and safely navigated.

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